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How much do your grooming services cost?

We offer three service pricing tiers to accommodate all clients!  Simply select your pet type, size and service tier as you begin the online booking process then choose a service package.

How is PetPass Mobile Grooming different from grooming at pet supply stores?

PetPass Mobile Grooming is about convenience and spares you what is inevitably a long and wasted afternoon driving to a groomer, waiting your turn to be seen, waiting during the treatment, driving home in traffic, stopping for food/supplies and sorting out a pet-hair-covered car. PetPass comes to you, provides 1-on-1 attention for your pet, at your doorstep- no waiting to be seen and no puppy anxiety about getting in the car or going to strange places.  With no other animals sharing space with your pet, there is less risk of transmitting disease or fleas.  We use high-tech custom equipped vehicles, professional techs, and provide the highest quality service options available in the market, all at the end of your driveway.  And, we can bring your monthly supply of pet food, treats, toys and care products to the appointment, no delivery fee ever!  Lastly, we offer three tiers of pricing to satisfy clients of all budgets.

Grooming fees for Cats are sometimes higher than dogs?

It’s no surprise that many of our feline friends don’t love the idea of a bath.  Cat grooming is a tricky business and can take more preparation, grooming time and care than most appointments for their canine counterparts.  We are committed to ensuring a safe experience (both for your kitty and our grooming techs), and strive to perform service with minimal stress to your pet.  Among others, for these reasons, we allow ample time to meet our high standards, and in some instances, if you have both a small dog & cat we serve,  yes- the cost for cat grooming can exceed the same or similar service scheduled for a dog.

Do I have to be home?

No. We understand that you’re busy and want to help, so we offer Latch Key service to existing clients. All first visits require a pet owner to be present so we can be properly introduced to your pet and garnish insights to administer care to them. After that we can come by any time, regardless of your schedule, and you’ll return home to a clean, groomed and happy pet!

Can I watch?

We invite you to get a look at our equipment and better understand how we operate, however, service viewings are not recommended since pets are more likely to exhibit anxiety and/or misbehave in the presence of their owners. There are special circumstances in which your help prior to or during service is appreciated, with very large or very elderly pets, for instance.

Do you have to plug in?

No. Our vehicles are self-reliant and arrive to your address with ample power and water supply. We are equipped to perform all services a salon can offer onboard the vehicle.

Do you accept credit or debit cards?

Yes. We accept all major credit cards, and in most instances your service will be paid for with a credit card at the time of booking.

Do you accept any breed of dogs or cats?

Yes. There are no weight or breed restrictions. PetPass techs have wide-range experience with almost all recognized breed clips and owners requests.

Do you groom special needs pets? 

Yes. If you have a pet that is elderly, disabled, has temperament issues or is shy, PetPass is a perfect solution. We handle many clients who have dogs terrified of the trip to the groomer, but quite accepting of a walk down the driveway. Service is performed in a quiet, stress-free environment just feet from the doorstep they know best.

What if I need to cancel service, or I forget my appointment?

We send out a service reminder the day before scheduled service to avoid any confusion. However, if you need to reschedule or cancel, it must be done 48hours prior to the appointment. Failure to do so will result in a $75 cancellation fee.

What type of shampoos do you use?

PetPass uses the very best 100% natural, soap-free, sulfate-free products. We’re proud to offer treatments using Jean Paul Pet tea tree shampoo and a variety of other specialty products, all of which are gentle and non-toxic. We can administer a product you provide if your pet has a special shampoo or vet recommended medicated shampoo.

Do you groom all year long?

Yes! Our vehicles are fully climate controlled: heat in the winter; air conditioning in the summer.

How long does a typical grooming take?

Appointment duration depends on the breed of dog as well as the services ordered. A general expectation should be: 1.5hrs, but smaller short-haired breeds may be less, while larger long-haired dogs may be more.

Are cages used?

No, cages are not used for holding or drying.

What are your hours?

We offer standard appointments 9am-7pm daily, and can accommodate clients outside of these hours with special arrangements.

Where do you provide service?

Most of Nassau County Long Island.

What’s the advantage of mobile grooming?

In short, customer convenience and a healthier experience for your pet!

Will my pet be washed in cold water? 

No, our vehicles are equipped to produce hot water. Who likes a cold bath?

How often should my pet be groomed? 

This varies based on breed, lifestyle, environment and your preferences, but as a general rule, every 4-6 weeks would constitute a regular schedule. We encourage scheduling a recurring appointment to ensure we can accommodate you on the interval you desire.

What if my pet is scared of water and hates being groomed?

PetPass can help! We handle apprehensive and reluctant dogs every day and convert them to being eager to jump into the van once a month. Our techs are gentle and patient and along with plenty of pampering, also use the occasional doggie treat to ensure your pet will think getting cleaned up is a great idea!

My dog/cat has fleas, how do I get rid of them? 

Fleas can be a serious issue. Let’s team up to get this taken care of. We recommend you use a product called Capstar prior to our visit. Capstar kills fleas within 4 hours. It’s available at most neighborhood pet stores or from your vet. If you can’t obtain Capstar prior to our appointment, PetPass also offers it for sale in our online products page and can deliver it when we arrive for your appointment. We will administer a deep bathing of your pet using an environmentally friendly, natural flea shampoo, which will eradicate any remaining fleas or their eggs. We will discuss a plan to eradicate the problem from your pet’s bedding and your home and will likely suggest a spot-on monthly preventative treatment, such as Frontline or Advantix, which we can administer with service.

How should I prepare my pet for grooming?

Please let them relieve themselves before we arrive. Also, if possible, refrain from feeding within an hour prior to your appointment. If they take medicine for arthritis pain, you may want to give them some before the grooming. Be aware we offer special services for arthritic animals! For cats it is recommended that you put them in a carrier or in a small room prior to our arrival to avoid retreating under the bed or couch when the doorbell rings.

Will I receive a reminder?

Yes, we issue a reminder of appointments the day prior.

What vaccinations do you require?

All pets must be in good health prior to receiving any grooming services. In order to maintain a safe environment for all animals, we require all pets to be current regarding rabies vaccinations. Pets recently vaccinated should not be groomed the same day shots are given to ensure the pet doesn’t experience discomfort at the injection site, agitated by grooming services. Puppies and kittens between 8 weeks and 4 months of age may receive services without vaccinations.

How do I book a grooming appointment online?

First, confirm we serve your area by entering your zip code on our homepage. Follow the simple steps- Choose cat/dog, long-hair/short-hair, tell us your pet’s name/age/breed, indicate size and choose a service from one of our three tiers. You may also add on additional pets, choose service add-ons and make retail purchases which we will bring with us to your appointment- no delivery fee ever! Wrap up with selecting a date and time, and we’ll see you soon!!

What is the PetPass Satisfaction Guarantee?

Your satisfaction is important to us. If you are unhappy for any reason, Bark! We’re in business to serve you and get your pet looking how you like. If you would like something touched-up, or adjusted, a little shorter around the face, or less Poof on the tail, we will be happy to fine tune as needed. We’ll do whatever it takes!

Do you provide flea and tick treatments?

PetPass Mobile Grooming proudly carries K9 Advantix® II and we administer the K9 Advantix Solution on dogs only. The safety of your pet is very important to us.

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